Start with a Free Trial!

Guided Start

Schedule a 15 minute Live Demonstration

Take a tour with a live person on the phone. We are happy to give you a personalized, online demonstration. We'll show you all the features, answer all your questions and set up a free 14 day trial of the complete system customized to fit your business.

Click Here to schedule a demo call

Just get started!

Sign up and try it on your own

Fill out the form and we'll send your credentials to your email. This will let you log in to your own full system. When you are ready to commit, just click the renew button on the main menu and pay for the month or year subscription.

Sign up and get started

Sign up for a Free 14 Day Trial

If you would like to give it a try, fill out the form and we'll send you credentials to get started. If you have questions, send us an email or give us a call.

Setup is easy! No hardware required

Sign up for the Free Trial
Fill out the form on this page. We will set up a dedicated database for your business and send you credentials to log in
Configure the questions you want to ask
Log in to the system and configure the system to ask the questions you want to ask at check in
Post the QR Code to Check In
Go to the Admin menu and print the QR Code. Post the QR Code to an easy location like the front door.
At this point you will have a system sufficient to evaluate if it fits your business. You can also add the kiosk but it is not required. If you have an Apple iPad to try the kiosk app, it's simple. Just download the app and connect to your system. If you have questions, you have support. Just call or schedule a training call to get the most from the system.

We will not call unless you request

Enter the last 4 of your phone number
We use this to avoid bots
Check In Systems never sells, trades or distributes customer information or data. We will not be calling you for marketing but the phone and/or email may be used to verify account information.

This website logs your interaction using access logs. These logs do not collect personally identifiable information but it does collect your ip address, browser type, date/time and requests. We use this information for analytics and metrics about our visitors. Check In Systems does not share, distribute or sell data of any type.